Our whole family loves games. My husband and I each grew up playing games with our families, we have played games regularly over the years since we have been together, and I know we will continue to do so. Because we love games, we have also raised our kids with a love of games. They are fun to play, they bring you together and you make great memories. Hasbro has a great selection of games that my kids love and we have a fun time as a family playing together.

We have the new Mouse Trap game by Hasbro. My kids couldn’t wait to get it out of the box and setup. It only took about 4 minutes to put together. Even my 2 year old was helping – and we got it figured out pretty quickly. The only bummer was that there are only three mice – so we had to come up with another thing to use for my two year old so she could play too.

Overall it is really fun and they play for about 45 minutes every time they get it out. I remember being young (about 6 or 7) and playing Mouse Trap with my older brother. We played it over and over and over because it was so fun. When I found out that they still made it, I wanted to get it for my kids to play because I knew they would enjoy it just as much as I did growing up. I was right! They play it all the time and love it!

Hasbro makes so many fun games for your family to enjoy. We also got the Disney Princess Pop-Up Magic Cinderella’s Coach Game and my older girls LOVE it! The board has a carriage on it that pops up and they love playing Cinderella’s Coach game! When you open the game board the coach pop’s up making it 3-D!

Family time is very important to us, so we want to do fun things that the kids will enjoy and have good memories of. It doesn’t have to be expensive or fancy, as long as we are together, and playing games as a family are some of the best memories we have. I really loved having these games with us on our vacation because it gave us something fun to do on our down time.
Be sure to check out all of the fun games and toys that Hasbro has to offer. They are perfect for any occasion and you will have no problem finding something that your kids will love!
Hasbro provided us with the games for this review. This did not affect our opinions and they are 100% our own. We only recommend products or services that we believe will be beneficial to our readers.
The mousetrap game looks really neat. Definitely different than the older version.
On Friday nights we have our game night where we order in pizza and play board games as a family. It’s a great time to build memories and my girls really love it. We haven’t played Mouse Trap yet though, that’s one we’ll have to check out as well. Thanks for a very enjoyable post!